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Department of Business and Economics

MA-Seminar: The Economics of Lying and Deception

Module: Microeconomics II
Lecturer: Dr. Michael Kramm
Scope/Credits: 4 SWS / 7,5 Credits
Type of course: Seminar
Type of examination: Seminar paper and presentation
Application: Online application 20. - 24.01.2025 (12 am)
Date and location: Thursdays, 10:00-12:00 and 14:00-16:00, M811
Beginning: 10.04.2025

Contents overview

This seminar introduces students to recent research on the strategic use and manipulation of information in economics and politics. Participants will learn about key themes within the field of information economics, as well as the techniques used in the field. Potential topics include among others the game theory of fake news, informational autocracies (spin dictators) and economic narratives. Apart from the course's topical focus, advising during the course will prepare students for writing their Master's thesis. One focus will be extensive work on students' communication skills, both verbal and in writing.

The course will be held in English, but the use of English will not be part of the grade.

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