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Department of Business and Economics

Game Theory

Module: Economics: Microeconomics I
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Lukas Buchheim
M. Sc. Marcel Vögele
Scope / Credits: 4 SWS / 7,5 Credits
Course type: Lecture and exercise
Language: English
Date and place: Monday 8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m., M127
Beginning: April 8,  2024
Exam: Oral or written exam

Contents overview

This course provides an introduction to game theory, i.e., the description of strategic behavior in situations in which the own payoff depends on the behavior of others. As such, game theory can be applied to analyze and understand strategic situation of various kinds, e.g. in employment situations, R&D, market competition, or market design but also in politics, sports, or biology.

The primary focus of the course is to provide the theoretical tools to analyze such situations and enable the advanced study of strategic behavior. In exercises, we will also apply these methods to stylized strategic mostly business-related situations.


The course enables students to understand the mathematical „language” of game theory and to apply it to describe complex strategic situations. This enables students to think through optimal behavior in many types of business situations, but also to understand the academic literature in fields like applied microeconomics (e.g., industrial organization, contract theory,  mechanism design), public economics (e.g., social insurance, tax systems), or politics (e.g. voting behavior, theories of conflict).


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